The Connected Blog 02.10.2023
Connect News
Oct 5, 2023

The Connected Blog 02.10.2023

Stay connected with a round-up of recent events and news from schools in the Connect family.

Eden Park Primary & Nursery School

Roman in Year 5 has just completed an epic walk along the South West Coast Path. This is a mammoth trail with a distance of 630 miles, stretching all the way from Minehead around to Poole. He began the trail when he was just 7 years old and has been walking on weekends and during the school holidays to complete it. The path is no easy feat as the hills and climbs in the path are equivalent to walking Mount Everest four times! Roman is thought to be the youngest person to have ever completed this challenge, raising over £1100 for the South West Coast Path Association in the process. Well done, Roman!

A big thank you to our Foundation Stage teacher, Mrs Hayley McCrum, who has successfully bid for the school to receive six free balance bikes and helmets, along with training, worth more than £2000. The scheme will enhance Early Years beyond the amazing provision that it already is!

Manadon Vale Primary School

Year 3 have been coming up with some fabulous stories. The children have worked hard on editing and improving their writing, with the use of storyboards and dictionaries.

Year 5 have recently celebrated European Day of Languages. They took part in a class quiz on European flags and practiced saying hello in different languages. One of the school’s Ukrainian pupils, Mila, sang a song to the class in her native language, which was wonderful!

Preston Primary School

Pupils in Foundation Stage have had lots of fun exploring the school’s very own Woodland Camp. This fantastic space always gets the children excited for outdoor learning, and as you can see, their puddle suits and wellies didn’t stay clean for long!

Pupils in Years 1-6 were visited by M&M Theatrical Productions for a special performance of The Jungle Book. The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the show, as well as joining in with the songs. This was followed by a workshop for the Year 6 children, where they got to find out how the production was put together. A big thank you to the Preston Primary School PTA (FOPPS), whose fundraising efforts covered the cost of the visit.

Thornbury Primary School

The children in Foundation Stage have been using mirrors to look at themselves. The staff have been so impressed with their wonderful self-portraits, created using pastels.

Year 6 have also been enjoying art and are currently working on their portrait unit. They have been researching what art is, and exploring how they can create tone with the use of sketching pencils.