We have high expectations – of ourselves, our school staff and children. That’s because we know that with the right support and cooperation, the classroom is a place where great things happen.
Across the Connect Academy Trust, we promote a strong collaborative spirit, where best practices are shared for the benefit of all. Our rigorous educational framework and rich curriculum create the right conditions to nurture confident, rounded learners of all abilities.
Our determination to deliver success is underpinned by an outstanding network of resources. We have a bespoke School Improvement service which supports curriculum development, drives up performance and ensures outcomes are progressing and schools are well-prepared for Ofsted inspections. Sarah Ryder is our School Improvement Lead, having been a Headteacher of 2 contrasting schools and now a lead Ofsted Inspector too. We work with a number of schools and Trusts outside Connect. For further information or to discuss how we can work with your school, please see our School Improvement Strategy below and/or email admin@connectacademytrust.co.uk.
Our strong commitment to training promotes staff engagement, motivation and teamwork. In addition to teaching the national curriculum, our unique Ocean Conservation Curriculum inspires children across our schools to understand and care for our natural world. In all of our schools, the dedicated and excellent support for pupils with special educational needs or disabilities ensures no child is left behind. Three Connect schools have an integrated specialist support centre for children with SEND.
We have created a family of schools where the hunger to achieve runs through everything we do, and is guided by sound values, effective planning and dynamic leadership.

of our pupils had the opportunity to take part in enrichment activities such as swimming, sleeping with sharks, residentials, forest schools or field trips

of our schools were judged as 'Good' at their last Ofsted inspection. Cockington Primary, which was judged as Inadequate before joining us in 2022, is improving quickly and on a rapid journey to 'Good'

In 2024, 76% of Connect Year 6 children met the expected standard in reading, 74% met the expected standard in maths, both above the national averages.
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If you need more information, please contact us.