We have a belief that we are a Professional Learning Community – creating a culture whereby we are all learners, where we contribute to the Trust and ultimately our children's futures by being active participants and drivers of our CPD.
We have a range of CPD opportunities, informally to formally, for all roles, and encourage staff to reflect on their skills and role, as well as Trust and school priorities. By working together, we can then determine what opportunities might enhance our professional learning. You might find senior leaders undertaking qualifications such as NPQSL or NPQH, or the use of national speakers for leadership training, to smaller scale day to day mentoring and opportunities to look at practice and work alongside peers. We have a highly innovative approach to appraisal, founded in professional dialogue, where staff are encouraged to undertake small scale research projects in areas relevant to their role. This then can be shared and adds to our learning as schools and as a Trust.